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More on trigger points & muscle lumps

In 2003 I published a book about mercury poisoning from dental amalgam, fibromyalgia and the role in society of scientific research. It was built upon my own experiences as chronically ill. The print version is available in Swedish only, but there is a version in English available on line as a 131 page PDF.

After the book was published, I also uploaded a few web pages with further comments on these topics, but those were in Swedish only. I believe, however, that especially one of those texts, concerning muscle lumps, should reach also non-Swedish readers. I have therefore translated it into English.

The text deals primarily with the kind of lumps in muscles that are sometimes called myogelosen. Mostly, the points that fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome patients have are described as either tender points or trigger points. The kind of lumps I am talking about don’t seem to entirely fit the definition of either of those categories.

I have found few descriptions of these lumps, especially in a context of chronic fatigue and other symptoms that often manifest themselves in post-viral syndromes, various forms of poisoning (e.g. from environmental toxines, mercury), thyroid problems etc.

John F. Kennedy’s doctor Janet Travell mentioned them in her and D.G. Simons’ extensive work Myofascial pain and dysfunction: The trigger point manual (1983), and there is also a German book from 1931 by Max Lange, Die Muskelhärten (Myogelosen): Ihre Entstehung und Heilung, that depicts them in detail.

Read the whole text at http://www.nisus.se/redirected/

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